Premium Shipping

Welcome to our platform’s documentation page on our shipping methods, designed to be your compass in choosing the right shipping methods for your orders. We understand the importance of a fast shipping, and our documentation is here to assist you every step of the way.

Types of products

We understand that you want to get your packages to the customer as quickly as possible.

Therefore, it is very important that you make an informed choice when selecting the right shipping method.

For example, our regular shipping is available for every product, but has a different delivery time for each product type. Our premium shipping is only available for non-electric goods to specifically selected countries.

This is because we differentiate in terms of product type. Our trusted shipping partners, distinguish between the following types of products

  • Non-electric (and non-liquid) goods

  • Electric goods

  • Liquid goods

Regular Shipping

As mentioned earlier, our regular shipping method is always available.

However, our regular shipping method has a different meaning per product type.

Therefore, the delivery time may also vary slightly by product type;

Take target country Germany as an example;

  • Non-electric: 6-12 days

  • Electric: 6-15 days

  • Liquid: 7-15 days

As you can see, there is a (small) difference in the number of shipping days, based on the product type.

Added to that, there is also a difference in how we calculate prices by product type. In most cases it is cheaper to ship a non-electric product than an electric or liquid product.

Regarding shipping calculations, one of the most important factors separately is shipping weight. So if shipping costs are high, in many cases this will be due to the product type or weight of the product.

Premium Shipping

Apart from the regular shipping method, we also offer premium shipping in certain cases. Premium shipping can be extremely valuable because the shipping time is significantly shorter.

Currently, our premium shipping lines are limited to the product type: non-electric and is only available to the following countries

  • United States

  • United Kingdom

  • Germany

  • France

  • Italy

  • Spain

  • Netherlands

  • Austria

  • Canada

The cost of premium shipping obviously depends on the weight of the shipment. However, shipping costs compared to regular shipping are often not much more expensive.

Processing Time

In addition to the above, the shipping time will always be extended by the processing time.

U-Send Fulfillment is a sourcing and fulfillment agency and so in almost all cases will not have the products you would like to sell in stock.

We look for factories in the vicinity of our partner warehouse where we can source the items you sell.

The process of sourcing, shipping to the warehouse, labeling, repacking, and shipping takes ±2-4 days depending on the speed of outside factories.

So be aware that the shipping times you see are always increased by the processing time.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at